Birdville Hawks one game away.. from 10-0

The Birdville Hawks can do something they haven’t done before in school-history in going undefeated for the season, at 10-0.   If  the Hawks defeat Fort-Worth Polytechnic on Friday, they will accomplish just that.  Birdville has demolished  every district opponent, but not just everyone in district.  Birdville whooped both Arlington heights and Richland.  Their closest margin of victory was a 37-16  victory at Saginaw Boswell.   Despite all of these achievements though, the Hawks haven’t received any respect from the state polls, but they  couldn’t care less, they’ve just gone out and played their game.

Thomas Brunt is the sports-editor for his high school-paper: “The Hawk” follow his personal Twitter feed @SPORTSDUDE350, email him here:


Author: Thomas Brunt

TCC Student. Aspiring Leader. Christ Follower.

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